As a Masters Swimming Coach, one of the questions I usually get asked in some form or another is “Can I be a Masters Swimmer”? It doesn’t always get asked that way, and often it is not asked at all. What usually happens is people will approach me at workouts and ask questions to try and decide if Masters Swimming is something they think they can do.

The answer is emphatically YES YOU CAN DO IT! Masters Swimming is often seen by (non Masters) swimmers as something only competitive swimmers participate in. In fact, of the approximately 60,000 U.S. Masters Swimmers roughly only 25% of them compete. So “Masters” is really a fancy word for adult swimming program. The majority of Masters Swimmers are participating for many different reasons. The reasons vary as much as the swimmers do. Following are some of them:

Reasons you may want to consider joining a coached Masters Swimming program:

  • Fitness swimming – get in shape
  • Improve your triathlon swim time
  • Improve your comfort with the swim portion of your triathlon
  • Stroke technique help
  • Learn a new stroke!
  • Make new friends
  • Conquer fears
  • Create new challenges
  • Other people are really impressed when you tell them you’re a Masters Swimmer
  • Consistent training program
  • Be coached to push yourself past your limits (personal growth)
  • It’s a wonderful social time
  • It will make you feel like a kid again! (it works for me)
  • It’s fun!

Here is some additional information about U.S. Masters Swimming: What is U. S. Masters Swimming?

If you’re in the Bath, Maine area feel free to drop in and try out a Masters Swimming workout with us!

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