You Can Usually Find Me At a Pool OR Near a Pool

Posts tagged with: Swim

Back In The Pool

I’m back in the pool. I’ve tried many times in the past couple of years to get back into the rhythm of swimming. However, a crazy work/travel schedule combined with a diagnosis of chronic Lyme and, well, things haven’t gone... Read More

Should You Take Time Off From Swimming?

Should You Take Time Off From Swimming? One of the questions I’ve often asked myself is “Should I take some time off” from swimming. Well this spring I did just that. Over the winter I had felt a little run... Read More

How to Swim 40 Miles (Or Reach Other Goals)

How to Swim 40 Miles (Or Reach Other Goals) I looked at my swim log the other day and learned some great lessons. This blog post will share what I learned and give you some tips with your own goals.... Read More