You Can Usually Find Me At a Pool OR Near a Pool

Posts tagged with: Masters Swimming

My Masters Swimming New Year’s Resolutions

My Masters Swimming New Year’s Resolutions I like to set personal goals and track my results. It has always been an effective method of personal growth for me. Year end is always a fun time for me to reflect on my year’s... Read More

24 Reasons Why I Love Masters Swimming

24 Reasons Why I Love Masters Swimming (in no particular order) It makes me feel really good The feeling I get when I am working hard in practice The feeling I get after I’ve worked hard in practice Meeting new... Read More

Thoughts That Went Through My Head During My 400m Freestyle Race

Thoughts That Went Through My Head During My 400m Freestyle Race Heat 9, lane 7. Heat 9, lane 7. “Are you Michael?”, asks the backup timer. “Yes, that’s me”, I reply. I wonder if swimming the 400m feels the same as a... Read More

Put Your Health First

Put Your Health First Those are four words that are hard to do for a lot of people. Put your health first. There are so many other things that are a priority, right? Our family. Parents. Children. Pets. Our work. Deadlines.... Read More

Swim Workout Tips For Training Alone

Swim Workout Tips For Training Alone One of the challenging parts of Masters swimming is that I often have to train alone. That pesky work thing gets in the way and I’m not able to make a team practice. Maybe it’s... Read More