Recommended Resources

Here are some of the resources I recommend for Masters Swimmers. All recommendations are products or services I use, LOVE, and recommend. Some of these links are affiliates, which means I earn a small commission if you purchase through my links (at no extra cost to you).

Aqua Sphere Alpha Swim Fins

Aqua Sphere Fins

Aqua Sphere Fins

I bought these fins a few years ago, primarily because I was looking for fins that didn’t cut my big toes. These fins have a closed toe area so no worries there. Overall I love the fins. They are extremely light, so they tend to make my legs float during freestyle kick. Which is a nice bonus for me!

The fins are great for underwater dolphin kick training. I absolutely love the fins for backstroke kick. Backstroke is not my primary stroke and I find that training with these fins while doing backstroke helps me swim fast, train better and I’ve become a better backstroker by using them.

Below is a link to the fins on or you can click on the picture on the left:

Aqua Sphere Alpha Swim Fins

Swedish Goggles

Swedish Goggles

Swedish Goggles

I’ve used Swedish goggles since college. They are my favorite for several reasons. First, I get to put them together. It’s like opening a present on Christmas morning when I get a new pair. Second, they fit my eye sockets perfectly. There is no rubber around the eye socket. The plastic eye pieces fit perfectly with no leaking. Third, they’re really cool looking. That’s important, of course. And last, they are inexpensive and come in many different colors so you can get several pairs and stay within your budget.

Below is a link to the fins on or you can click on the picture on the left:

Swedish Goggles

GoSwim TV

GoSwim TV is a video swim training service that provides daily video content based on weekly themes. These training videos allow swimmers to create a better understanding of swim techniques. GoSwim TV provides a free account, which delivers free daily videos and you can upgrade for more features/benefits.

GoSwim TV

Hostgator Web Hosting

I’ve used a few different web hosting companies over the years and my favorite is Hostgator. It’s the company I use for hosting my blog, my business website and several email accounts. Hostgator’s customer service is based out of Texas and is outstanding. I have called them many times for tech support and they have always been very friendly and extremely helpful. Their back end tools took me some time to learn, but I don’t have a tech background. Now I find the tools pretty easy to navigate. I highly recommend Hostgator for web hosting.

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