How I Handle Pre Race Jitters

How I Handle Pre Race Jitters

How I Handle Pre Race Jitters

I always get nervous before a race. In fact, I often get nervous before a group practice. I think it’s because I’m highly competitive. I am competitive with myself, always wanting to beat my personal best times. Whether it’s at a swim meet or at swim practice I am constantly trying to improve my times. I get nervous.

Personally I think getting nervous is a good thing. Those pre race jitters (or pre practice jitters) keep me focused and ready to compete. I have learned some techniques to keep my nerves in check so they work to my advantage. I have seen other swimmers get so nervous it negatively affects their races. I certainly don’t want my nerves to paralyze my actions or prevent me from competing or working out, so I’ve come up with some strategies over the years to help me. Maybe they can help you too!

Here are my tips for handling pre race jitters

  • Breathing – I find that using a meditation breathing technique I learned years ago is most helpful before a race. I breathe in through my nose, hold my breath for a few seconds, then breath out slowly. I do this a few times.
  • Warmup before the meet – I usually get in a long warmup (1500-2000 yards) and mix in some fast 50’s or 100’s. I find that a long warmup helps me get race-ready and it also helps calm my nerves.
  • Warmup just before the race – if I get a chance, I like to jump in the warm down lane a few minutes before my race. Just to get wet, get a feel for the water and calm my nerves.
  • Swim the race in my head – Every night before I go to sleep I try to swim one of my races in my head. This gives me an opportunity to race exactly as I envision my outcome to be. I find this relaxing, it helps put me to sleep, and I feel more confident before my actual races.

It was interesting to me to see an amazing interview from the Sixth Annual Rowdy Gaines Classic. The interview was with the history-making members of the combined 392 age group world record breaking relay. Here’s a link to the full video: Making a Splash Video Link.

One comment that really struck home with me was from one of the world record relay members, Tiger Holmes, who is 93. He said “After all these years I can’t create any nervousness…I’d like to get nervous though”.

I hope I always get nervous before my races.

How do you handle pre race jitters?

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