I’m back in the pool.

I’ve tried many times in the past couple of years to get back into the rhythm of swimming. However, a crazy work/travel schedule combined with a diagnosis of chronic Lyme and, well, things haven’t gone as planned. Some days have been hard for me to even make it up the stairs, let alone swim.

I’ve been missing swimming a lot so this past spring I decided to get US Masters Coach Certified and start a swim team, which I’ve done. We are the Long Reach Masters Swim Team in Bath, ME.

Also I’ve been back in the pool swimming, albeit at a much slower pace than before. But the good news is I’m swimming. And coaching. And volunteering, serving as Secretary for New England Local Masters Swimming Committee (NE LMSC).


I love swimming and look forward to resuming my blog, which will be more diverse than before. Moving forward my blog will still consist of my swimming thoughts, but also include swim tips, Masters Swimming news from around the world, and even fun and challenging workouts.

I hope you enjoy!

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