
100 swim, 100 kick, 100 pull, 100 swim

4 x 100’s, drill/swim – 20 sec rest

Main Set

4 x 100’s – Swim all moderate, AND #1; 1st length fast, #2; 2nd length fast, #3; 3rd length fast, #4; ALL FAST, 30 sec rest

50 EZ

4 x 75’s – Swim all moderate AND #1; 1st length fast, #2; 2nd length fast, #3; 3rd length fast, #4; ALL FAST, 20 sec rest

50 EZ

6 x 50’s – Odds fast/ evens EZ, 20 sec rest

50 EZ

6 x 25’s – Odds fast / evens EZ, 10 sec rest


200 EZ

2300 total

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