
Selfie at WPI SCM Masters Swimming Championships

Hi! My name is Mike Hurd and I am a US Masters Swimmer. I started competitive swimming at age 8. I have trained and competed most of my life. I swam competitively through age-group (Long Reach Swim Club – Bath, ME), high school (Morse High School – Bath, ME) and college (Babson College – Wellesley, MA).

In my adult life I have swum off and on for the past 30 years. 15 years ago I was overweight and heading down a potentially bad health path. I started eating right, exercising, providing my body with proper nutrition AND I got excited about competing again.

Along the way I’ve faced (and overcome) some serious physical challenges including Chronic Lyme Disease, Paruresis (Shy Bladder Syndrome) and more recently, Frozen Shoulder. I have found swimming to be my happy place, and an activity that has helped ground me during these physical challenges.

I belong to the Maine Masters Swim Club, which is part of the New England Local Masters Swimming Committee (NE LMSC). I am a Level 1 and 2 Certified Masters Swim Coach and Certified Adult Learn to Swim Instructor, and I am also a Life and Business Coach (My other webisite is here: https://www.michaelrhurd.com). I have coached the Long Reach Masters Swim Club at the Bath Y in Maine. In addition, I served on the NE LMSC board as Secretary and on the Maine Masters Swimming Club (MESC) board as newsletter editor. This winter I will also be officiating high school and masters swim meets in Maine.

In my blog you’ll find swim workouts, swimming tips, mindset tips, and swimming stories. I hope you find this blog entertaining, informative, and motivating.

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