24 Reasons Why I Love Masters Swimming (in no particular order)

  1. It makes me feel really good
  2. The feeling I get when I am working hard in practice
  3. The feeling I get after I’ve worked hard in practice
  4. Meeting new friends
  5. Connecting with swimming friends from the past
  6. The camaraderie amongst the Masters swimming community
  7. The inclusion of all swimmers regardless of their ability
  8. Watching the older swimmers compete and having fun
  9. Swimming takes my mind off everything else

    2014 SCM Masters Swimming Championships at Boston University

  10. I can eat whatever I want
  11. It makes me feel like a kid again
  12. The reaction I get when I tell non-swimmers I’m a Masters swimmer
  13. Socializing between swim sets
  14. Swim socials after practice
  15. Hanging out with friends at a swim meet
  16. Literally anyone can become a Masters swimmer if they want to
  17. Nonstop swim discussions with fellow Masters swimmers
  18. Trying out new swim training equipment
  19. Assembling my new pairs of Swedish goggles
  20. “Listening to your body” is highly encouraged
  21. It’s ok to adjust swim sets
  22. It helps me stay in awesome shape
  23. It’s fun to drop in to Masters practices when I travel
  24. Helps me become more balanced in all areas of my life

What do you love about Masters swimming?

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