24 Reasons Why I Love Masters Swimming (in no particular order)
- It makes me feel really good
- The feeling I get when I am working hard in practice
- The feeling I get after I’ve worked hard in practice
- Meeting new friends
- Connecting with swimming friends from the past
- The camaraderie amongst the Masters swimming community
- The inclusion of all swimmers regardless of their ability
- Watching the older swimmers compete and having fun
- Swimming takes my mind off everything else
2014 SCM Masters Swimming Championships at Boston University
- I can eat whatever I want
- It makes me feel like a kid again
- The reaction I get when I tell non-swimmers I’m a Masters swimmer
- Socializing between swim sets
- Swim socials after practice
- Hanging out with friends at a swim meet
- Literally anyone can become a Masters swimmer if they want to
- Nonstop swim discussions with fellow Masters swimmers
- Trying out new swim training equipment
- Assembling my new pairs of Swedish goggles
- “Listening to your body” is highly encouraged
- It’s ok to adjust swim sets
- It helps me stay in awesome shape
- It’s fun to drop in to Masters practices when I travel
- Helps me become more balanced in all areas of my life
What do you love about Masters swimming?
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